Adventure Time - Penguin


Oktober 28, 2015


Level Kognitif
Fungsi Sosial
Struktur Teks
Unsur Kebahasan
Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman
·         Mengidentifikasi
Siswa dapat :
-          Mengindetifikasi topic/tujuan /latar belakang teks esai pendek (descriptive,procedure, recount, report )
-          Mengidentifikasi topic/tujuan/latar belakang teks fungsional pendek (announcement, letter)
Siswa dapat :
-       Mengidentifikasi langkah/urutan/alur/plot dari kejadian/peristiwa/tindakan dalam teks
Siswa dapat :
-       Menentukan makna kata/kalimat dalam teks
·         Menentukan
·         Menerapkan
Siswa dapat :
-          Menentukan penggunaan teks.
-          Menerapkan fungsi dari setiap langkah/alat/peristiwa/bagian/ aspek yang disebutkan dalam teks.
Siswa dapat :
-          Menjelaskan keterkaiitan antar langkah satu dengan yang lainnya dalam teks.
Siswa dapat :
-          Menentukan ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks dialog tentang : ungkapan memuji, menawarkan , kegiatan sehari-hari , saran , persetujuan , kalimat pasif, kalimat pengandaian, keseharusan, rencana yang akan datang, kejadian yang sedang berlangsung, kejadian lampau, dan yang mengacu pada kesudahannya kalimat langsung/tidak langsung, kejadian waktu lampau, gerunds, profesi, pilihan tindakan.
-          Menentukan bentuk gramatika yang tepat sesuai konteks dalam teks
·         Menyimpulkan
·         Menganalisa
Siswa dapat :
-    Menyimpulkan fungsi/akibat/efek setelah membaca teks
-    Mengasosiasi fungsi teks dengan teks lainnya dalam kehidupan social.
Siswa dapat :
-       Menentukan gagasan utama/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat dalam teks dialog, teks esai pendek  dan teks fungsional pendek tsb
-       Memprediksi bagian selanjutnya dari penggalan teks.
-       Menentukan penutup teks yang logis
Siswa dapat :
-          Menafsirkan kalimat dalam teks.

Persetujuan (aggeeing/disagreeing)

ASKING IF SOMEONE AGREES                                                           
n  …….. Don’t you think so?
n  …….. Don’t you agree?
n  …….. Is it?
n  …….. Wouldn’t you say?
n  Yes, you are right/that’s right
n  Yes, that’s true
n  Yes, I agree with you
n  I think so too
n  I think you’re right
n  I couldn’t agree more
n  I can’t deny that
n  I am sure…
n  I feel the same way
n  I believe so
n  That’s very true
n  That’s exactly what I think
n  Oh, I completely agree

n  I don’t agree
n  I disagree, I’m afraid
n  I can’t agree (with) ….
n  I don’t think that’s right
n  I don’t think so
n  I’m sorry but I think you are wrong
n  I can’t say so
n  That’s not true/right/so
n  No, way
n  I’m sorry, but I think you are wrong
n  I’m sorry but I completely disagree with …
n  You can’t mean that!
n  You can’t be serious!
n  Absolutely not
n  Yes, may be you are right
n  Yes, perhaps/may be, but ….
n  I see what you mean, but ….
n  I see your point, but ….
n  I don’t entirely agree, with ….
n  I agree with much of you say, but ….
n  That’s possibility
n  You may be right


  1. Fahry    : This picture is good enough, isn’t it?
Aisha     : … It’s rather blurred.        
A.   I think so.  
B.    I’m afraid not.
C.    I agree with you.
D.   I don’t have any idea.
2.    Dea    : Watching English films make our English better.
           Salma: … By watching them we can enrich our vocabularies.
A.    You’re right.
B.    I am against you.
C.    I disagree with you
D.   I am not on your side.
3.    Gilang: I propose that every student should contribute Rp. 450.000,- for this       
           Ola    :……I’m sure it’s too much for most of us. I suggest it for Rp. 400.000,-.
A.    I think so.
B.    That’s true
C.    I totally agree.
D.   I disagree with you.

Giving Advice (Memberi saran)

  Saran & Nasihat

Asking for advice (Meminta saran)
      What do you think I should/can do?
      What should/must/can I do?
      Do you think I should go on a diet?
      Should I go on a diet?
Giving Advice (Memberi saran)
      I think you should exercise more
      Why don’t you exercise more?
      You should probably exercise more
      Perhaps you should go on a diet
                                        had better go on a diet
      Make sure you exercise more
      How about seeing the doctor?
      Have you thought about seeing the doctor?
      It would be a good idea to see the doctor

Accepting advice (Menerima saran)
      OK. I will do that
      That’s a good idea
      Yes, maybe I should
      All right
      Yes, I will
  1. Opik       :  I often have troubles with my motorcycle. Today, it didn’t start.
Joni        : …
Opik       : Thanks.
A.          Why don’t you call the mechanic?
B.          It’s better for you to consult the dealer.
C.          You had better change the accessories.                                                            
D.       Would you mind if I go to the repair shop
2.       Sella          : I have morning class, but I always wake up late, …?
                 Maryana: Why don’t you set the alarm!
                 Sella         : That’s a good idea.
A.      What shall we do today
B.      Could you set the time
C.      What should I do
D.  Can I help you
3.  The staff                                   : We feel so tired and sleepy.
           The personal manager: Why don’t you have a cup of coffee?
           The staff                       : …
A.      Yes, that’s a good idea
B.      I can’t go with you
C.      I slept last night

D.     Yes, I won

TEKS PIDATO: ENGLISH SPEECH " Self humbled before Parents "

Ladies and Gentlemen
First of all, let’s thank God, the Almighty who has been giving us His mercy and blessings till we can attend this meeting without any obstacle in this good place and time.
Secondly, May Sholawat and Salam always be with our Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him, who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness in the world as well as in the next world.

Thirdly, I will never forget to thank Mr. Chairman who has given me the opportunity to deliver my speech in front of you all.
Standing in front of you all, I would like to present my speech under the title of

Self humbled before Parents

 Ibn Kathir rahimahullah opinion about the intent of this is the word of Allah Ta'ala heart redah applies to both. Meanwhile, Imam al-Qurtubi opinion about the purpose of the word Allat Ta'ala, which reads, "And humble yourselves against them both with pet" is valid mercy, compassion, and subject to both, such as the submission of a people to his king or a slave obey to his master. As hinted at by Sa'id bin Musayyab.
The command given by Allah Ta'ala to  children to submit to both parents by using the word "janaah" (Wings "is just as obey wings of a bird when he embraced his children. While the intention of the phrase" adzdzulli "is soft.
In the opinion of Imam al-Qurtubi based on verses of the Koran, the child must be applied gently to his parents, both in word, silence, and a way of looking. A child should not be stared at parents with an inside edge because of the view that as this is a view of rage.
He also argues that the word "min" which  in paragraph "minarrahmah" to describe types. That is, submission to the parents of a child born out of affection in his heart, rather than in a way that made-up.
After that, Allah Ta'ala commanded His servants to love and pray for their parents. Love him as much as they used to love you when you were small and have loved them as much as they used to love you as a child.
When you were a child, you do not know anything and is always in need of your parents. They are putting you than themselves. You make them stay up to keep you. They are ready to get hungry in order to make you satisfied. They are willing to bare so that you can wear. Therefore, you will not be able to repay your parents, except to the way you take care of them when they are elderly, as well as they care of you as a child. Under conditions of the frail aged, parents have the right to precedence in all things.

Ladies and Gentlemen;
I think that’s all my speech. Finally, I would like to say sorry if there are mistakes in my speech words.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.


SIMPLE PRESENT (masa sekarang)

Simple Present Tense is used to talk about physical activities as well as intellectual activities to denote:

1)      A current activity
Æ       Prabu studies at vocational high school
Æ  Does your father work here?
Æ  I do not have a job yet

2)      A habitual or repeated activity
Æ  I work six days a week
Æ  Do you take a bus to work?
Æ  She does not go on foot to her office

3)      An event in a time table, schedule or program
Æ  I have a meeting tomorrow at ten
Æ  Our plane does not fly to Semarang
Æ  What time does office hour start?
Text Box: (+) Subject + Verb 1 + Object
(+) Subject {He, She, It} + Verb 1 + S/ES + Object
(- ) Subject + Do / Does + Verb 1 + Object
(? ) Do / Does + Subject + Verb 1 + Object

1.                Hani               : What does your little girl do in the morning?
        Diane    : Well, … She loves cartoons very much.
A. She plays with her friends.
B. She sometimes stays with me.
C. She’s been sleeping for about two hours.
D. She usually watches morning entertainments.

2.                Rudi           : Where do you work now Susi?
            Susi      : I work for a bank in Jakarta.
            Rudi     : What do you do exactly?
            Susi      : ….
A.        I am a teller.
B.        I am doing well.
C.        I am serving a client.
D.        I do not do anything.
3.    Joko       :What time does the meeting start?
          Roni   :             … at half past seven.
A.       It begins
B.       It takes place
C.       It has already over

D.       It usually  happens 


          You look great
          How beautiful  you look                                           
          What a good appearance I see
          Well done!
          That’s great!
          Your English is really improving
          Excuse me, who cut your hair? I really like it
          You really have a beautiful home
          You look so happy

          Do you really think so?
          It’s very kind of you to say that
          Thanks, I need that
          You’ve made my day

  1. You are at Borobudur now. It is your first visit there. You area so amazed by the temple.
You : …………………
A.             How wonderful Borobudur  is it
B.             What an interesting place is it
C.             What an amazing temple
D.             What is it place
2.       Ardi     : I heard you won the first prize on swimming competition. …
            Sandi   : Thank you.
A.         I’m sorry to hear that.
B.        That’s really well done.
C.        Gladly, it’s very easy.

D.       I suppose so.