Adventure Time - Penguin


Mei 03, 2016

Teks Pidato Wisuda Kelas XII

Assalamualaikum wr wb.
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
The honourable Director of Nurul ihsan Mr. Dr.H.Marwi Argasasmita, S.H, S.IP.M.H, M.M.
The honourable principal of SMP Nurul Ihsan Mr. Luthfi Anwar Muhajir,. S.Pdi
The honourable principal of SMK Mr. Fikri Izalullah Hairunnida, SE
The honourable principal of SMA Sapta Kharisma Ms. Ayu Saraswati triyaningrum, S.Pd
The honourable Teachers whom I love and all distinguished guests.
First of all, let us pray praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, for with the grace and guidance of Him we are given health to gather together on this day, in order to separation and release of graduation students of kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school and vocational school.
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to represent colleagues on this occasion, to express his gratitude to the principal, the teachers and all those who have devoted themselves as educators patiently, willingness and affection. Dear Teacher, really do not feel the time passes so fast. It has been three years we learn and gain Sciences in Institutions of  Nurika. so many lessons and knowledge that we get all of it was very useful for us. Although we are aware of these acknowledgments are not comparable with the services of the teachers .We realize this graduation is not the end of education which we live, but it is a beginning of a struggle in the face of obstacles and issues that confront in order to reach our goals. But the problem we have to face, and not to be desperate and we had a big heart and always remains optimistic. As we know, the government has set the date of December 31, 2015 early adoption of the opening of free economic interaction and integration in Southeast Asia that has been agreed by ASEAN countries are better known by the Asean Economic community (MEA). That means that we must prepare and be able to compete with human resources (HR), both domestic and ASEAN countries as well as global international markets. Thank you for the school which has facilitated us to prepare for the era MEA. And on this occasion we express also apologize for all the mistakes and misbehavior we've done during our study. Please remember us as students. Not to forget we like to also thank our dear parents were also present on this occasion .The parents were always giving love and encouragement to us until we were able to complete our degrees on this day .. To my friends, all the events that we have experienced in this school, happy, and sad,  will always remind us of this beloved school, we should always be encouraged to remain diligent study to achieve the our ambition. May our steps still got blessings from Allah SWT. Amen. Finally, on behalf of SMK students I want to say goodbye to our beloved school, we will always remember. That’s all I want to say. Thanks for your attention

Wassalamualikum Wr.Wb.

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