Adventure Time - Penguin


Agustus 09, 2022



Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Rasullah Muhammad, prophet of prophets who have created an Islamic civilization, and hoist the banner of the Islamization until the Day of Judgment.

Ladies and gentlemen. Ideally we as humans, certainly having an obligation that must be run. Among those obligations is to worship Allah, to run all commands and away from the prohibitions. In addition, among the duties commanded by God is to study. As taught by the Prophet.

طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلمين والمسلمات

Seek knowledge is an obligation for those people claim to be Muslims, both men and women.

Therefore, there is no harm if at any time we have done in this based because the commands of Allah with a pure heart, intentional learning and to always be grateful for what has been given by God. Why do I say learn to be grateful for? Because it is human nature to forget his obligations and in the end

Learning is a basic requirement for human beings. Early in life, when a man is born, he learned to see the beauty of the world, He learned to listen, he learns to feel the love given by parents, especially hemust learn to always be grateful for her Lord favors the never ever stop until his death, even to the end enjoying the beauty of heaven. And all of it is a reply to those who believe and fear Allah.

Let us together to always be grateful for the favors of Allah, learn by sincere in implementing His commandments and learning relentless leaving the prohibitions. And in the end that how wonderful heaven, is ours forever. Ameen.

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