Adventure Time - Penguin


November 09, 2021

Ulangan Expressing Obligations


1. Yesterday I ________ finish my geography project.

2. She will ________ wait in line like everyone else.

3. All employees ________ on time for work.

4. We ________ (Not) forget to take the chicken out of the freezer.

5. If you are under 13 you _____ to get your parents' permission.

6. Your daughter may ________ try on a few different sizes.

7. The doctor _____ get here as soon as he can.

8. Do you _____ work next weekend?

9. Bicyclists _____ remember to signal when they turn.

10. Angela, you _____ (not) leave your clothes all over the floor like this.

11. You _____ (not) smoke in order to get your lungs healthy

12. The waiters ____ (not) ask for some tips from the customer 

13. The children  ____ play football every Sunday

14. We ____ (not) turn on our cell phones durung the flight

15. They ____ say hello to the newcomers

16. To get good muscle, you ____ practice at the gym

17. Before using the ATM machine, we ____ (not) ask permission from the security

 18. To avoid covid 19, you ____ wash your hand with hand sanitizer or soap everytime

19. Mask is used to protect us from the virus. We also ____ (not) buy different color for everyday use

20. The students  _____ keep the school area to be clean 

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